Written by: Monika Martinez Hayes, League Member

“Run for fun? Who does that?” Sound familiar? That was my go-to response whenever I saw people running. Why would anyone put themselves through that torture?
During middle and high school, I was a team sports kind of girl, and soccer was my thing. When I was younger, I loathed soccer because two of my older brothers played and it seemed like every weekend was spent at the field watching this game or driving to that tournament. I was their (forced) biggest fan. After my own soccer stint and realizing I was not nearly good enough to play in college, I was itching for some cardiovascular exercise to keep me going. A roommate of mine was the captain of my university’s women’s cross-country team and encouraged me to join. Never having raced in my life, I thought, “How hard can this be?” Truth bomb: Cross Country is hard! The number of miles you must log, the hills you have to run, the sprints you have to beat – it’s not what I thought. I did end up racing in one collegiate race as an NCAA Division I athlete, albeit finishing 3rd from last (I tried!), but that's where my running career ended.
As an adult, it’s hard to form or join a team, and I couldn’t find my place. After moving to New York City upon graduation, I was fortunate enough to live one block away from Central Park. I started walking around the Reservoir, which soon increased to multiple times per week, which ultimately turned into running laps around the reservoir … mile after mile after mile. It became my after-work release, my time with “runner” friends, and my Saturday morning ritual.

Running for fun is an actual thing, and in my early twenties, I learned to enjoy it. I still do! Everywhere I’ve lived, CA, NY, and TX, I’ve found places to run and races to compete in. After completing four marathons, countless half-marathons, 10ks, and 5ks, I lean into the FUN part of races now. Tacos and beers as a reward to completing a race? YES, please. Champagne flutes as I cross the finish line? Sign me up! Even better, get me to a tropical locale to race!!!
As we embark into 2023, let’s find what our body loves doing and do more of that. I started by walking, and through small steps (literally), I accomplished a goal. Little movements lead to incremental change. Let go of who we thought we’d be or what we thought we’d look like. Let’s work on feeling good about ourselves, however that may manifest in you. If that includes logging a few miles per week, so be it! I’ve ebbed and flowed in how committed I’ve been to the sport and how many races I’ve done from year to year. But one thing remains, this is MY thing and what makes me feel good … and I’d love to share that with one (or more) of you. Running is now definitely FUN to me!
Please let me know if you’d like to sign up for some races with me this year (I know there’s a group of mamas in GCS who enjoy a race now and then), and let’s cross the finish line together. Strong. Proud. Accomplished.

Here are a few local races in March 2023:
Wicked Wine Run Dallas – 3/4/2023 – Burleson – 5k
Race 2 Remember Them – 3/4/2023 – Ft Worth – 1mile/5k/10k
Big Easy Crawfish Boil – 3/4/2023 – Little Elm – 1mile/5k/10k
Texas Wesleyan 5k – 3/4/2023 – Ft Worth – 5k
It’s a Mardi 5k/10k – 3/4/2023 – Mansfield – 5k/10k
Towne Lake Half Marathon, 10k & 5k – 3/5/2023 – McKinney – 13.1miles/10k/5k
St Paddy’s Day Dash – 3/11/2023 – Dallas – 5k
McKinney Shamrock Run – 3/11/2023 – McKinney – 5k
Paddy Dash – 3/18/2023 – Frisco – 5k
Shannon Brewing Co 5k – 3/18/2023 – Keller – 1mile/5k
Irving St Patrick’s 5k – 3/18/2023 – Irving – 1mile/5k
Grasslands Trail Run – 3/18/2023 – Alvord – 13.1miles/26.2miles/50miles
The Pickle Run – 3/18/2023 – Mansfield – 5k/10k
Miles for Migraine – 3/18/2023 – Dallas – 1mile/5k
Get Your Rear in Gear – 3/19/2023 – Ft Worth – 5k
Deafinitely Not Different – 3/25/2023 – Plano – 5k/Fun Run
Big Climb Dallas – 3/25/2023 – Dallas – Obstacle
Aledo Children’s AdvoCats Annual Run, Walk or Crawl – 3/25/2023 – Aledo – 5k/Fun Run
U&I Dash – 3/25/2023 – Dallas – 1mile/5k
For more throughout the year in our area, click this link: