Playgroups are not a competition, buuuut, if they were, the ‘Tot Mamas’ might just be the one to beat.
When our year started in September, half of this group had a schedule change; instead of disbanding, this close-knit group decided to just add a day to accommodate everyone. This group now meets on Tuesdays (coordinated by Leese Ann) and Fridays (coordinated by Katie C.) with some of the members coming to playdates only on Tuesdays, some only on Fridays, and some switch.
This group has mixed ages, due to lots of sibling sets, with the oldest 6 years old and the youngest 1 ½ . Katie says one of their favorite thing do with playgroup is ride bikes near the Keller-Smithfield activity node or at Parr Park.
I got to join in on the fun on a Friday morning for a Valentine themed playdate at Cora and Lilah’s house. Katie prepped and provided all the materials for a Valentine craft (Click here to see the craft and make it at home!). Beth brought Valentine’s goodies, including yummy punch (complete with whipped cream and sprinkles) and a cookie decorating kit (did I mention the sprinkles??). Jenny brought snacks to share (umm, I now believe all fruit and veggie trays meant for children should include pickles). Let me tell you, these mamas made parenting two kids look like a breeze.
Pillow forts were made, craft supplies were dumped, frosting was piled high, drinks spilled… never once did any of these patient moms show an ounce of frustration. Instead, I saw friends teaming together to wipe faces, supply snacks, clean up messes, provide band-aids, and give encouragement- all to children that were not their own.
This is what makes me proud to be part of GCSML, part of a village. That Friday with the Tot Mamas, I of course saw kids having fun playing together, but I also saw supportive moms, free of judgment, sharing in the joys of motherhood.
To join a playgroup, just submit a playgroup form, direct link to it here!
Materials needed:
Hearts cut is various sizes from various colors
Markers, googly eyes, and whatever embellishments you have on hand!
Either using inspiration from ‘My Heart is Like a Zoo’ by Michael Hall (you can check it out from a local library or ‘read’ it here: or from your child’s own imagination, use the hearts to create animals. Tap into your kiddo’s social-emotional skills, as well as their creativity, by discussing what might make their ‘heart’ animal feel a certain way.
Sarah Barton
GCSML Playgroups Chair
Join a Playgroup