GCSML is partnering with Kids Matter to help create a Virtual Library!
Kids Matter International is an local organization with a mission to break the cycle of poverty among children in the communities they serve and give them hope.
Due to Covid, volunteers cannot perform their typical Ramp Up Reading (summer reading program), so they created an virtual alternative.
Kids Matter is asking GCSML members to send a video of themselves reading an elementary-level children's book. Then share it on our Kids Matter Facebook Event page by May 21st. (If you do not use Facebook and would like to contribute, email Maggie Taylor at mlspeight@mac.com for assistance.)
These videos will be put on Kids Matter International's website so families can still work on literacy while they are at home.
Setup your phone so the pages of the book are visible (or have someone hold the phone while you read). Start your video with the book cover and read the title and author/illustrator before beginning. (Hair/makeup/general glam...NOT NECESSARY! The organization prefers that the video is filmed so all illustrations are seen. Here’s an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xr9eLsxMvU)
Once you are finished, click here and upload your file to the event page we've created for this project. And you're done! After May 21st, we'll save all of the files and share them with Kids Matter International.
Thank you so much for your consideration and the gift of your time for this wonderful, local organization. Please email info@gcsmomsleague.org if you have questions or difficulties.