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You hear it everywhere, “it’s just that time of year,” FLU season! Do you really think the flu and other viruses and bacteria go on summer vacation like your family and mine and magically show up in the fall ready to attack all of us? It sounds funny, but the entire preface that the flu is a whole season implies that all these germs take the summer off and come out to get us in the fall and winter.
It makes more sense that it’s not the viruses that become stronger… but instead, the hosts, us, become weaker! Getting sick this holiday season all circles back to YOU & how your body is adapting to life happening around it. Tis’ the season for more sugar, not drinking enough water, increased holiday stress, lack of quality sleep, and less sunshine time!
There are ways you can positively impact your immune system to help strengthen it and make your family more adaptable this time of year:
1) Move your body consistently
2) Increase immune boosting supplements like vitamin D+K2, vitamin C, zinc & elderberry syrup
3) Eat whole organic foods
4) Say NO to people, places, and things that are toxic to you (aka setting and keeping clear boundaries)
5) Seeing your chiropractor consistently
That last one might come as a surprise to you, but it shouldn’t! Chiropractic care helps boost your immune system by 200-400%, and when utilized consistently, it improves your adaptability to life. Chiropractic care is more than just low back pain! Although we enjoy keeping you feeling great, we want to make sure your daily life is functioning better as well.
Chiropractic care removes misalignment and tension placed on the nervous system, which controls every organ, gland, and tissue within the body. A healthy nervous system makes for a better immune system so that you can turn those sick days into healthy days in no time!
Call Loving Life Chiropractic today to find out how chiropractic can support your child's health + wellness this fall!
Loving Life Chiropractic
(817) 502-2963